Give us this day our daily bread, millions say. Most have forgotten the part about forgiving us our sins. Especially …
The European Parliament recently voted to re-authorize glyphosate’s use for seven years, despite declarations made in 2015 from the International Agency …
In early 2016, Dr. Ezekiel “Zeke” Emanuel accepted a part time position in a venture capital firm that invests heavily in the healthcare sector. ‘Ole …
A culture is measured by how they treat their most vulnerable. Infants and great grandmothers. Sixty million unknown children being plucked and pulled …
Disinformation, propaganda and making the truth sound like a lie or the lie sound like the truth is not a new trend. It’s …
Wait, what? Yes, it’s true; the age of the pharmaceutical microchip has arrived. Novartis AG, one of the world’s biggest …
(Signup now for FREE to attend the online Natural Cancer Prevention Summit, beginning May 16th) A few years ago, a dear …
Clear Food, the brainchild of food analysis startup Clear Labs, announced a project it says will publicly post scores for foods …